Tiny Bird


Goldenrod 1

Goldenrod 2

Goldenrod 3

Credits: › Continue reading

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Friday, October 8th, 2010 Fashion, LOTD, MV-SL-Fashion 2 Comments

Freckleface: Mei Li

Thought I’d take a few pictures of this lovely skin and share it with you.  There aren’t very many Asian skins with freckles; I find this one particularly pretty.

Adam n Eve’s Mei Li skin is available in › Continue reading

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Tuesday, January 26th, 2010 Dark, Fashion, Freckles, MV-SL-Fashion, Skin No Comments

Footwear Expo: SLink Bare Feet

I seriously love shoes; just ask my husband.  You may have noticed I’ve blogged one or two pair of shoes for the Footwear Expo.  It’s closed now, but all the footwear is available at the designers’ shops.

I’ve saved my favorite footwear grouping for last.  The thing is, sometimes you don’t want to wear shoes.  Sometimes it’s nice to be barefoot.  Sometimes being barefoot is the best design decision, for a particular look.  But, but, the system feet are so hideous!  Don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen some very well-done skins, but skin creators don’t have a lot to work with, when it comes to our sad club feet.

Siddean Munro, creator behind SLink, has delivered us all from system feet.  I’ve been enamored with her bare feet since they were released; they were my first adventure in prim feet (I fought them for so long!)  For ladies, we have a choice of four foot silhouettes, from flat-footed to tiptoe, and the recently released extreme pointe foot.  (Gentlemen also have a few barefoot options, so men, you’re not left out!)

Now, I’m still not as good as tinting the feet as I’d like to be, but practice will make perfect, and the tinting HUD is very easy to work with.  The shading on the foot is incredibly detailed, with shadows between the toes, where light wouldn’t hit, and highlights indicating the underlying tendon structure.  Delicate subtle veins trace the top of the foot.  There are of course a variety of toenail options — both colored nail polish, and a range of natural nail shades to suit different skin tones.  I adore these feet, and if you’ve even once considered going bare-foot in-world, I’d suggest you give these a try.  Demos are free, after all.

Feet, left to right:
SLink- Jolie Pied Bare Feet, from left to right: Flat, Medium, Tiptoes, Extreme Pointe

En Scene Credits:
Hair: Tiny Bird – Precious Things – Stein Silver (tinted)
Skin: Imagen Skins – Irene 2.0 – Este – Natural (promotional sample)
Bubbles: Reasonable Desires Strippable Bubble Costume
Feet: SLink – Jolie Pied Bare Feet Tiptoes
Bathtub: The Loft – Oriana Bathtub

Disclaimer: Medium feet, Extreme Pointe feet, and Imagen skin are promotional samples.  I’m acquainted with some of the designers shown here.  However, I only blog things I like, regardless of affiliations or gifts.

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Footwear Expo: Booties

Have you heard that the Footwear Expo ends today?  If you’ve not been yet, perhaps these booties will tempt you.

First, I must say, booties are generally terribly unflattering to most of our RL figures.  The solid structure, ending abruptly where foot meets leg, destroys the leg line and makes you look short.  That said, I adore them.  They have a certain je-ne-sais-quois that just screams chic.  And of course in SL we can just make our legs a bit longer to compensate.

What I find most striking about this set of booties, all available at the Footwear Expo, are the › Continue reading

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Footwear Expo: Cozy Boots

Winter has arrived in Second Life.  Delicate snowflakes drift down to coat the trees and we get to pull our our coziest-looking winter wear. This of course also means cozy shoes, from little booties to fluffy snowboots.

These four pairs are a few of the offerings available at the Footwear Expo, ending today.  The first are perfect for curling up in front of a fire with your honey; the others are adorable outerwear choices.  In RL, I worry about wearing these types of boots, but in SL, I’m safe — dirty slush can’t soak into my cozy boots and ruin them!

Footwear Credits, all available at the Footwear Expo:
Decoy – Nash Bootie – Brown/Pink
Lazy Places – Knuffel Boots – Grey Chocolate
Miau Haus – Snow Boot – Tan
Surf Couture Parker Knit Boots – Yellow (with color-change slouchy socks)

En Scene photo credits:
Hair: Tiny Bird – Precious Things – Stein Silver (tinted)
Skin: Minajunk Skin – Cry – Pink
Scarf: Artilleri – Sue neck scarf – Pink Polkadot
Sweater: SWA – Cropped Sweater – Yellow (came with the Siren Sundress)
Dress: SD Wears – Bubble-Poo Dress – Pink Peppercorn
Tights: Bijou – Stocking C – White
Boots: Surf Couture Parker Knit Boots – Yellow (with color-change slouchy socks)
Pose: Long Awkward Pose
Photographed at fri.day

Disclaimer: All footwear was received as promotional samples.  I’m acquainted with some of the designers shown here.  However, I only blog things I like, regardless of affiliations or gifts.

Footwear Credits:
Decoy – Nash Bootie – Brown/Pink
Lazy Places – Knuffel Boots – Grey Chocolate
Miau Haus – Snow Boot – Tan
Surf Couture Parker Knit Boots – Yellow

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Freckleface: Eye see you!

Another round of freckled skins for us to compare! Hooray!

Freckles are awesome, and so are these faces.  I love that these skins bring very unique personalities to the same shape, with the same brow, lighting and hair.

I wanted to talk about eyes in this post, and what characteristics to consider when comparing eyes between skins.  So I made you an annotated  animated gif. Yay! › Continue reading

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Ceteris paribus

Apparently some people are terribly concerned that others are going to steal their “look.”  I think this is greedy, selfish, and stupid.  Anti-inspect shields don’t work, and we can track something down even if you won’t tell us where it’s from.  By trying to hide the source of an item, the creator may lose sales.

Most importantly, no one is going to steal your look (unless they’re one of the crazies, and in that case, you have bigger issues than your look.)  The same outfit can have a dramatically different feel, just by changing the details.  Observe.

Same outfit.  Same accessories.  A change of hair, a change of skin, and you instantly › Continue reading

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Keys to my heart

Keys are hot right now.  If you don’t believe me, ask Tiffany.

Key necklaces, lock necklaces.  I was flipping through a fashion mag recently, and saw the Tiffany and Co. ad, which reminded me of all the key necklaces I have in SL, and I thought I’d show ‘em off.  Of course, The Dark Mouse Locked Up necklace ties into the theme perfectly.  I really enjoy the contrast of the chunky padlocks with the delicate chain.

So, today we’re looking at the materials and length.  Where on the avatar does the key pendant fall on the chest?  What is the chain like, or is it a string of leather? Is the key shiny or tarnished?  What kind of embellishments  – scrollwork, gems, etc — does each key have?  Personally, I like them all.  Moving from left to right, › Continue reading

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Thursday, November 19th, 2009 Compare-And-Contrast, Fashion, MV-SL-Fashion No Comments

Compare: High Waisted Pants, Part 1

Okay, so we’re going to look at high-waisted pants in a 3-post series.  First, if you haven’t read Denim One, go check it out; it discusses factors to be considered in a pair of jeans (or any pair of pants), and I’ll be building on it.

Now, let’s talk about the yoke, the high-waistedness of the pants. How high is the waistline? There are several different approaches to designing a high-waisted pant.  Long line of buttons?  Long zipper, with a few buttons?  Double set of buttons, sailor-style?  What do the buttons look like, compared to one another? The last pair has in interesting approach, with a double set of regular jeans waistbands.  The seaming of these pants also becomes both more important and more interesting — take a good look at how each jean has done their seams.  It’s especially interesting, I think, to look at how the rear view has been handled.

Let’s also compare the pants in general. The first major difference I see in these jeans is the texture — › Continue reading

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Freckleface at the Vanity Universe Skin Fair 2009

This post has been overdue.  I’ve had my own outside factors, and when I was able to take pictures in-world again, controversy reared its ugly head.  I am neither judge nor jury, so I will go ahead with the comprehensive post as I had planned.  For the record, I do not condone any illegal sourcing of images.  I strongly encourage you to study details carefully, and make your own decisions.

Now, this post is a compendium of freckled skins available at the Vanity Universe Skin Fair.  To the best of my knowledge, this shows a sample of each the unique freckled skins — if you find one at the fair not included here, please let me know, and I will remedy it.  All skins are shown on my shape, without lashes, with the same eyebrow shape.  You’ll want to try them on for yourself to see how they fit your shape, to really know what will work best for you.  Of course, you’ll want to look at the character of the freckles — big or small? evenly or randomly scattered? Just across the nose, over the whole face, extending down the chest?

› Continue reading

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Wednesday, November 11th, 2009 Fashion, Freckles, MV-SL-Fashion, Skin 5 Comments




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