Ruth Revisited.
Total serendipity. I happened to be wearing a purple shirt when the notice from Long Awkward Poses came through, announcing the release of a new set of poses — Jazzhands. The notecard explains that this set is a bit of a tongue-in-cheek homage to all the early jazzhands freebie poses. These new poses are fun and adorable, with modern posing sophistication instead of the bone-breaking awkwardness of early poses. Anyway, the purple shirt reminded me of our painfully awkward outfit at rezzing, and I knew immediately that I wanted to give Ruth a modern makeover to show off the new posing fun.
If you were lucky or unlucky enough to be rezzed as Ruth, this look is immediately recognizable. It may inspire a bit of terror or revulsion, but look again. Little Ruthie actually looks cute now, with › Continue reading
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