Freckles, oh freckles. I not particularly fond of my real-life freckles; I wish I had a smooth, creamy complexion. However, I won’t wear a skin without freckles in-world. Odd, right? Skins just don’t “feel” right on me otherwise.
The thing is, not all SL freckles are created equal, and we freckle-fiends are picky. Fortunately, there are lots of freckled skins to choose from, in a variety of price points, each with unique freckle patterns, thanks to the talented creators we have in SL (y’all rock!) From delicate barely-there freckles, to big fat freckles with a distinctly hand-drawn look. From just a few, scattered across the nose, to freckles that cover from hairline to toes.
So, without further ado, I present freckles.
A few notes: All pics are taken with the same shape and the same windlight settings. When possible, I’ve worn the provided eyebrow shaper for each skin. Several of the makeups shown are previous hunt prizes or group gifts, but you should be able to find a selection of makeups offered from each store shown.
There are several skins above that are personal faves of mine. And a part of me wants to talk more about them. But really, this post is about the freckles, not about my own biases. So scroll back up, and take another look. Click to see larger sizes. Choose your own favorites.
Special thanks to [42], Blowpop, D-Skin, Fleur, and Genesis, who all generously sent review copies.
1. [42] Angel Kisses, Neutral tone, makeup 02. L$300 for a set of four makeups in a single tone. Two makeup sets and three tones available.
2. Adam n Eve Devon – Red Special Edition (previous picks reward gift). L$1200 per makeup; L$3000 set of four. Four tones and eight makeups available.
3. Adam n Eve Bliss – Tone 1 – Freckly makeup. L$1200 per makeup; L$3000 set of four. Four tones and four makeups available.
4. Blowpop Infinity line, Elizabeth face, Heavy Cream tone, makeup 5. L$1000 per skin; L$3600 6-makeup fatpack. Three tones and six makeups available.
5. Blowpop Mellie3 line, Honey tone, Burlesque Queen, brunette. L$1200 set of four makeups; L$5000 20-look fatpack. Six tones and 20 makeups available.
6. Cupcakes Lovespell line, Lace tone, Spring Fling makeup (Easter hunt gift). L$1000 per makeup; $5000 for fatpack of 10. Five tones and 35 makeups available.
7. D-Skin Skin 64, F1_E0_L1 makeup. L$1000 per makeup. Many faces, each with 6 makeups available.
8. Fleur Allure line, Bare set, Truffle shade, makeup 3. L$1000 per makeup. A total of four makeups on six tones are available with freckles.
9. Fleur Boutique Parfait 2 line, Strawberry tone, Makeup 2. $L 1000 per makeup. A total of three makeups with freckles are available on three tones.
10. Curio Lovely face, Petal shade, Dark, Firehouse makeup. $L1000 per makeup; $L3000 for fatpack of six. Five faces in three shades, each with six makeups available.
11. Curio Radiance Shade, freckle demo. L$700 per makeup; L$2000 for fatpack of four. 10 shades and 44 makeups available.
12. Genesis Eden line, Sugar tone, Reluctant makeup. L$1000 per makeup; L$15000 for fatpack of 20. 8 shades and 20 makeups available.
13. Heaven’s Skin&Shape yuka Prototype1N F. Free. A small selection of free skins, some freckled, available.
14. Imagen Irene line, Este tone, Humo makeup (current lucky chair prize). L$995 per makeup; L$2985 for fatpack of four. Four shades and 16 makeups available.
15. KA Lost Special Evangeline Lilly Skin (part of a complete avatar — free).
16. lessthanthree Sugar Skins, light tone, Godiva gift makeup. L$600 per makeup; L$3500 per fatpack of eight usually — fatpacks on sale for L$240 through April 24th — yes, that’s $L240. Three shades and 8 makeups available.
17. LF Chai, Ginger tone, Antonia makeup. L$250 per makeup. Six tones and and 45 makeups available.
18. LF Chai Double-Shot line, Tone 3, Brisk makeup (previous hunt gift). L$950 per makeup; discount fatpack cards available in different amounts. Eight tones and 35 makeups available.
19. Pulse Climax line, Tone 1, Makeup 2 demo. L$1200 per makeup; L$10,000 for the fatpack of ten makeups. Four tones and eleven makeups available.
20. PXL Creations Grace Line, Natural Tone, NudeEyes NudeLips BrownEB F makeup. $L1500 per makeup; L$4000 per fatpack of four; L$7000 per fatpack of seven. Five tones and and 28 makeups available.
21. Redgrave Laura face, Bronze makeup. I don’t see this one in the store right now, so it may be slated for an updated rerelease.
22. Rockberry TMRHE Gift Skin 4. L$1250 for a set of 6 makeups. 6 freckled sets available.
23. Rockberry Megan A Natural Freckles (current lucky chair gift).
24. Skin Within Adhira line, Profile Gift. L$1200 per makeup; L$3600 for a set of six makeups. 24 makeups available.
25. Skywalker Halloween Gift Skin [lash]. L$800 per makeup. L$2000 for a fatpack of 5. A variety of faces available, with about 10-15 makeups available for each.
26. Tuli Elizabeth skin, Fair tone, Enticing makeup. L$750 per makeup; fatpacks for L$1275/3 makeups and L$2125/5 makeups. Seven tones and 15 makeups available.
27. Tuli Kalista skin, Light tone, Valentine makeup (previous hunt gift). L$850 per makeup; L$4500 per fatpack of seven. Three tones and 21 makeups available.
28. Tuli Natalie skin, Light tone, previous group gift. L$1000 per makeup; L$3000 per fatpack of 5. 7 tones and 10 makeups available.
29. Tuli Sumi Beauty Red.
Non-skin Credits:
Eyes: Genesis Au Naturel Eyes in Hazel
Lashes: LeLutka Seductress Lashes
Hair: Truth Ana Lu in Auburn
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