Sand Shack Surf Co.
Cowgirl boots
You would think that, being from Texas, I would have a life-long love of cowboy boots, but you’d be wrong. For years, I fought against a western look, thinking that in doing so, I was fighting against the stereotype that all Texans wear Wranglers, ride horses, and own cattle or oil wells. The truth is, I grew up in a city of over a million people, and I’m no rodeo girl.
But, what can I say, I’m a sucker for trends. The cowgirl boot is in, and maybe I’m grown up enough (or immature enough) to accept and enjoy messing with peoples’ assumptions.
So, here are three cowgirl boots in SL. First, about their SL-shoe-ness. All three styles attach the boot at the ankle, rather than the foot. This is good for photos, as you won’t get wonky broken ankles, but bad if you were planning on wearing pants with a cuff attachment. The three boots fit differently — if you look at the comparision photos, you’ll see that the Adam n Eve boots sit very high on the leg, while the Kalnins sit rather low. All three use sophisticated sculpt shapes, and all three are meticulously textured.
Now, about the boots. The above criteria are really specific to the virtual world we live in; the next comparison points apply equally to non-virtual boots. The most obvious difference in the boots is › Continue reading
Review: Elsa Boots from Sand Shack Surf Co.
The lovely and talented Emma Gilmour of Sand Shack Surf Co recently asked if I’d be interested in doing an in-depth, proper review of her latest shoes — the Elsa boots. I was a bit hesitant to do a comprehensive review, as the potential for drama isn’t worth it for me. Anyway, as Emma and I chatted, we reminisced about the early days of SL fashion blogging, when a reviewer was supposed to be thorough, and include both strengths and weaknesses of a particular item, and their own experiences with the item — when we expected bloggers to educate us on what we should be looking for when we evaluated things. I decided to rise to the challenge — though in this case, it was easy, as Emma is an experienced, talented designer, and so there’s little need for constructive criticism.
So, these are the Elsa Boots, available from Sand Shack Surf Co. First, let’s look at the features available with these boots, and then we’ll analyze them more closely. There are essentially three › Continue reading
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