Frozen Turquoise Valentine
Look of the Day: January 22nd
It’s been a long time since I did a look of the day. Usually, my look of the day is whatever outfit I’m wearing for another blog post. However, I’ve decided to start sharing my “running around the grid” looks, because, well, I like them.
I like to wear simple, comfortable looks when I’m hanging out in the skybox, or running around the grid. I don’t accessorize much; I just like to throw together a few › Continue reading
Posemaker Challenge: Dove Love
So, Achariya challenged bloggers, and Dove motivated bloggers — to do what we should be doing anyway. I admit, I haven’t been the best about crediting posemakers. All my poses are all jammed into a single posestand, and I have a tendency to flip through them all in one photoshoot. But I’m trying to be better about being aware of whose poses I’m using, and crediting that person’s work. And I’m starting with the posemaker who takes up the most space in said posestand, for good reason.
Achariya gave specific parameters for the challenge: choose FIVE poses from ONE posemaker to feature. Well, I’m not the best at following directions. This is part one of two, and I’ll feature as many poses as I please! So without further ado, I present the poses of Dove Swanson, the posemaker for [LAP] – Long Awkward Poses.
I probably use [LAP] poses more than any other posemaker. What initially attracted me to [LAP] was the attitude. You know that girl that’s so sure of herself that she doesn’t give a damn what other people think? That’s Dove’s poses, at first glance.
As I collected more [LAP] and spent more time with these poses, I discovered layers of depth, beyond that surface attitude. These poses are who we are, who we want to be. Sometimes confident and self-assured, sometimes terribly alone and vulnerable. Sometimes glamorous, sometimes everyday ordinary.
Poses are one of the most expressive tools we have in SL. And it’s thanks to posemakers like Dove Swanson that we make use of these tools. Hell, Dove makes me look good, and helps me to communicate with the body language of my avatar, even when I’m just standing still.
Hair: Artilleri Chrissy in Red (discontinued)
Skin: Adam n Eve Bliss T1 in Freckly makeup
Earrings: part of Dark Mouse True Metal Cross set in copper
Shirt: Armidi Sheer Ribbed Tank Top in Black (worn on multiple layers for opacity)
Paint Spattered Arms: part of MUWU Painting Madness outfit
Belt: Manna Boutique Montmartre (Ladies)
Pants: Frozen Turquoise Valentine Wide Leg Jeans
and of course, all poses from [LAP] Long Awkward Poses
Store names shown in bold; for locations please visit
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