back to high school
Phire Zuhra of Style Genesis challenged bloggers to show off their high school style, and asked us what crowd we hung out with then. This was a tough one for me — I drifted along the periphery of several different crowds: the Ivy-league-bound nerds, the drama kids, the band geeks, the student council preps, the stoners, the goth kids. I had friends in every crowd, but never really belonged to any. I guess I was a bit of a loner then, too.
There was this great little coffee shop near my parents’ house that had these big comfy couches that I hung out at a lot — sometimes with friends; sometimes by myself with a good book. In those days, you could still smoke indoors at a lot of places. What a goodie-two-shoes-juvenile-delinquent I was, with my nose buried in a book, smoking underage. We usually picked our hangouts based on where we knew we could smoke underage without being bothered, and this place was mostly populated by med school students who were too stressed out to give a damn. I recently heard the place closed down, and it made me a little sad; another part of my youth gone forever.
As far as style goes, I remember wearing tanks and shorts, and pretty dresses, and a lot of black. Color guard uniforms on Fridays. And I remember a LOT of lazy days when I’d just throw on a t-shirt and jeans, pull my hair back in a bun, grab a pair of big earrings, and call it done. Of course, when we were younger, we could get away with skipping the makeup. In some ways I was far less self-conscious then than I am now.
Hair: BP* autumn natural chignon cocoa (tinted)
Skin: 5th & Oxford Medium Fresh Freckles 6
Earrings: Caithlin Carter Designs Reflective Diamonds Hoops (Jewelry Expo freebie)
Tee: Emery Tee – Call Me
Jeans: Avebury Classic Fit Darkwash Jean – Boyfriend
Shoes: magi take sports sneakers in gray
Cigarette: F*S Schmokin Ciggy that doesn’t stink or kill
Location: The Killing Moon Cafe, Retrology
1 Comment to back to high school
That’s a lot how I was in high school, friends with a bunch of the fringe group kids but not really in a clique myself, all but the goth kids, didn’t really know any of those.
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September 24, 2009